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BULL | Two boilers high pressure washers

industrial hot water pressure washers


High-performance hot water pressure washers with two or more high-performance boilers, robust painted steel construction and AISI 304 stainless steel panels. They guarantee high temperatures at high flow rates.

Versions with natural gas boilers also available.


two-boilers WASHING PLANTS


A general presentation of the Bull inverter model and a focus on an application at a Norwegian construction and earthmoving company for washing machinery and trucks.

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industrial pressure washers constructed using



Motori servizio continuo S1

I motori elettrici offrono elevate prestazioni stabilizzando la temperatura di esercizio in valori costanti per un utilizzo illimitato grazie al servizio continuo in S1.

La potenza del motore scelta per l’accoppiamento alle pompe è sempre sovradimensionata in modo che la potenza richiesta dalle pompe non raggiunga mai i valori massimi disponibili. 

Pompe professionali 1450 rpm

Le pompe in linea a 3 pistoni in ceramica sono ampiamente sovradimensionate, permettendo l’utilizzo solo parziale della pressione massima per cui sono state progettate.

Questa caratteristica, unitamente a quella dei motori elettrici in servizio continuo S1, permette alle idropulitrici Indra di lavorare senza pause di raffreddamento.

L’accoppiamento pompa-motore non è diretto, bensì è realizzato mediante giunto elastico per permettere che nel tempo, in caso di rottura del sistema di accoppiamento, l’intervento sia di lieve entità e rapido e non con la prospettiva di grosse operazioni di sostituzione di componenti. 

Sistemi di sicurezza avanzati

Le idropulitrici Indra sono dotate di una solida scheda elettronica, specificamente progettata, che gestisce le funzioni della macchina e tutte le segnalazioni. 

Tutte le funzioni e segnalazioni vengono gestiti in completa sicurezza, garantendo la risoluzione immediata di eventuali guasti. La gamma è infatti dotata di sicurezze avanzate e la scheda elettronica segnala al riparatore, con appositi led posti sul circuito stampato, il corretto funzionamento o eventuali avarie dei componenti elettrici. Vi è inoltre una segnalazione completa delle funzioni direttamente sul pannello comandi per consultazione e controllo da parte dell’utilizzatore. 

areas of application

Bull high-pressure washers, if placed in a technical room, can feed a water network that connects all the washing points. They are indispensable in many sectors such as: • Agri-food industries • Charcuterie and cheese factories • Meat processing and distribution • Poultry and pig farms • Milking parlours • Egg producers • Food storage companies • Production of ready-made and precooked food • Wine companies • Washing barrels, tanks also in combination with rotating heads • Fish processing and distribution industries • Washing in covered food and fruit markets • Mechanical industries for washing at the end of processing cycles.

stationary heaters 100°c

To meet the needs of a specific target group of users who require very high temperatures (100 °C) for sanitisation, we produce special models equipped with a double high-pressure outlet, one for very high temperatures and the other suitable for standard washing operations. 

This type of machine, especially if combined with rotating heads, finds its ideal use in the agri-food industry, especially in the wine sector.

stationary pressure washer equipped with two or more high-efficiency boilers

The BULL range is available in several versions: - Bull Inverter - Bull MLT - Bull TW Inverter - ECO GAS equipped with natural gas boilers.

Numerous versions are available, including: Bull washing stations equipped with a single high-pressure outlet to serve one washing station; 

units equipped with a single high-pressure outlet to serve one or two washing stations; 

high-pressure cleaners with two high-pressure outlets and independent control panels; 

models managed by inverters for flexible and balanced distribution of the overall capacity and special “Eco Gas” versions equipped with natural gas boilers. 

Bull TW Inverter twin systems are also available: two Bull high pressure washers controlled simultaneously from one or more remote stations.

Both twin machines are equipped with frequency inverters for flow control and flexible, balanced system management. 

Versions with up to 4 boilers available.



Robust, high-performance static hot water industrial pressure washers, equipped with a double high-performance boiler system.

The BULL range stands out for the high reliability of its components and the versatility of its applications; these are robust industrial high pressure washers designed to last.

The electronic system is highly professional: each function has been implemented with a wide margin of tolerance. On the electronic circuit board, several micro LEDs alert maintenance staff to the origin of any malfunctions.

All functions and alerts are handled in complete safety, ensuring immediate resolution of any faults.

The range is in fact equipped with advanced safety devices and the electronic board indicates to the repairer, by means of special LEDs on the printed circuit, the correct operation or any failure of the electrical components.

There is also a complete indication of the functions directly on the control panel for consultation and control by the user. 

High-performance electric motors, which stabilise the operating temperature at constant and absolutely suitable values, and largely over-dimensioned 3 ceramic piston inline pumps, which work by only partially utilising the maximum operating pressure for which they have been designed 

allow each model to be used continuously without the need for cooling pauses.

The pump-motor connection is by means of a flexible coupling located in the gap between the two motor flanges.

The power of the motors chosen for coupling to the pumps is always oversized so that the power required by the pumps never reaches the maximum values available. 



High-performance industrial pressure washers with high heating power. High flow rates at high temperatures.



technical data

BULL 30.200200 BAR30 L/minn° 1n° 11450 rpm20 HP3ph - 13,3kWn° 2 - 90 °C *91x78x126 cm
BULL 30.500500 BAR30 L/minn° 1n° 11450 rpm40 HP3ph - 35,3kWn° 2 - 90 °C *91x78x126 cm
BULL 15.200/2200 BAR15 L/min (x2)n° 2n° 21450 rpm8,5 HP (x2)3ph - 13,3kWn° 2 - 90 °C *91x78x126 cm
BULL 21.200/2200 BAR21 L/min (x2)n° 2n° 21450 rpm10 HP (x2)3ph - 18kWn° 2 - 70°C *91x78x126 cm
BULL 41.200 INVERTER200 BAR41 L/minn° 1several1450 rpm25 HP3ph - 22kWn° 2 - 70°C *91x78x126 cm
BULL 30.200MLT200 BAR15 L/min (x2)n° 2n° 21450 rpm8,5 HP (x2)3ph - 13,3kWn° 2 - 90°C *91x78x126 cm
BULL TW 41.200 INVERTER200 BAR41 L/min (x2)n° 2several1450 rpm25 HP (x2)3ph - 44kWn° 4 - 70°C *91x78x126 cm (x2)

*The temperature values indicated are calculated at the maximum flow rate.




Robust and professional: • Painted steel structure and stainless steel panels • 3 ceramic pistons pumps • 1450 rpm electric motors, continuous duty S1 • Pump-motor elastic coupling • Pressure regulating valve • Built-in stainless steel water tank • Anti-limescale product dosing pump controlled by electronic board • Water filter. 

Two or more high-performance boiler units: • Boiler bottom made of high-strength refractory concrete. This type of bottom is not subject to wear as it does not allow the absorption of diesel or water • 36m coil made from 17mm diameter pipe • Painted steel fan, resistant to vibration over time • Photocell combustion control • Efficiency: 91%.


Simple and intuitive control panel (two for Bull/2) complete with: • Switches for starting and stopping the pumps and for starting and stopping the burners • Indicator lights for mains power on, pump start-up, burner start-up, lack of fuel with burner stop and lack of anti-limescale • Thermostat • Pressure gauge • Emergency stop button • Hour meter. 


Washing applications are very varied and each company has particular needs, which do not always correspond to standard installations. Sirmac carries out studies and designs, on request, specific high pressure washers for every working need.

inverter-controlled versions

An frequency inverter is an electronic device that varies the rotation speed of electric motors.

It is able to maintain a constant pressure and flow rate as required on each occasion.

Every start-up or change in speed is gradual in order to avoid water hammering both in the machine and in the hydraulic circuit.

It drastically reduces electricity consumption, as the motors do not constantly absorb all the available power, but only that determined by the variation of revolutions required each time.

In order to maintain perfect cooling, the electric motors are equipped with additional fans that maintain constant ventilation even at low speeds. An additional fan is fitted to remove the heated air from inside.


Diesel filtration system consisting, for each boiler, of:

A.  Pre-filter, for the retention of coarse particles (120 µm)

B.  Cartridge filter to retain the finer impurities (31 µm)

C.  Self-cleaning filter immersed in diesel to prevent suction of processing residues. A counterweight keeps it constantly on the bottom.

The adoption of this triple filtration system does not allow the operation of the diesel pump to be altered, keeping the small emergency filter with which it is equipped clean at all times.

very performing high-efficiency boiler units

high-performance and low emissions

Bull is designed and refined for maximum efficiency. The combustion chambers work in synergy to ensure maximum performance: high temperatures even at high flow rates and minimal smoke emissions.

Serpentine per idropulitrici ad acqua calda

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